Saturday, November 24, 2007

I Have No Time

I''m not reading any blogs these days. I open Bloglines and say "Holy shit, there's no way I can read all those posts," and I shut it down again, totally overwhelmed. I'm not really enjoying NaBlowhatsitwhatsit this go round. I don't think I was reading this many blogs this time last year. So, I apologize. I'm not ignoring you...well, I am, sort of. *sigh* Reading blogs shouldn't be this much pressure. And I know people aren't commenting on my blog as much (although that could be the dire content recently), so it's not just me. Are all of you feeling as panicked as me or am I just a freak? Don't answer that.


I had to get a tooth pulled on the day before Thanksgiving. Holy fuck. It kills. And I have this taste in my mouth that is just vile. VILE. Like rotting flesh vile, constantly draining down the back of my throat. It's Dis. Gus. Ting. Yesterday, I looked like I'd been beaten - my eye was puffed half shut and my cheek...Well, I could have been this guy's sister:

I can't believe I had to get a tooth pulled. Well, I mean, I can because I've been babying this damned tooth for a year or two now. It had a huge filling in it and I knew a bit of it had fallen out, so I bought the stuff you get at the pharmacy, the stuff you're supposed to use until you can get to a dentist. Only I didn't go to the dentist because we don't have dental insurance and if it was pay the mortgage or fix my tooth, well, we paid the mortgage. I kept packing the tooth with the filling stuff and every so often, more real filling would fall out. About six months ago, the whole thing fell out. So, I packed the entire hole in my tooth; and it was sizable - the tooth was more filling than tooth. But finally it abscessed. And it hurt like hell. I finally was forced to the dentist's two weeks ago and she charged me $98 to take an x-ray and tell me the tooth was not really salvageable. No shit, Sherlock.

My options were to get a root canal and a crown, to get an implant or to get it pulled. A root canal and implant? $3,100. An implant? $2,980. Pulling the tooth? $153. So, no tooth. And I feel old and kind of like a female Cletus. It's really bothering me, really bumming me out.

And it really fucking hurts.


Lara said...

sorry to hear you're feeling pressured by nablopomo, lady. i am too, especially while i'm staying with my family. i'm also sick, so i lack the energy to say much. but i'm still here reading!

SUEB0B said...

That dental shit is crazy expensive. I'm sorry!

meanderings said...

I'm sorry you had to have a tooth pulled and I'm sorry it still hurts.
And what's with the "popularblog" comment - how annoying...

If not a mother... said...

I'm reading, just not commenting much. I have days where I comment, comment, comment, but those days are few and far between.

I'm considering taking a break from the blog itself. I don't have the readership at the new URL and I don't have enough content. I always say that and then everything comes to me, though. argh.

(I don't think I would have been happy with NaBloPoMo this year either.)

TSintheC said...

Awww MB. I think we're all kicked by too much to read, too little time, and the pressure that is NaBloPoMo this year. (Snort. It's my first year with a blog, so wtf?)

Shortman had all 4 wisdom teeth extracted that same day. He's still on milkshakes, mashed potatoes and applesauce. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have antibiotics!

Anonymous said...

Yuck! So sorry that you had to deal with that at Thanksgiving. You could be thankful that it was only one tooth, though.

Don't worry about not reading. I'm pretty much in the same boat these days.

Oh yeah,and delete the popularblog bullshit too! Please... assholes!

Angewl said...

I'm sorry it's still so painful. {{hugs}} I have been embarrassed by my teeth for years. :(

I don't have people visiting my blog. I'm just doing it to have something to do. blah...

Major Bedhead said...

Thanks, guys.

Blog troll deleted.

lara - hope you feel better

Rachel - I hope you don't stop blogging. I read you, even if I don't always comment. I like your blog.

anon - I'm on my second round. Blah.

Ang - I read! I don't always comment, though. I need to get better about that, on lots of blogs.

Military Mom said...

I feel your pain, I've had tooth pain in the past and I know it really sucks. I had a raging infection after my wisdom teeth were pulled. I had my mouth wired shut for 6 weeks. I'm sorry you feel so bad, hopefully it will pass soon.

Christina said...

Ouch. I had a tooth die once over Thanksgiving, and while it hurt, it was over in a couple of days. I can't imagine how much that hurt you!

Yeah, I'll be glad when November, and NaBlo, are over. Too many posts to read - I can't keep up!

kittenpie said...

Ack! Is this getting better yet? have you tried pressing gently on the swollen part and see if it drains? That fixed my problem after I had my wisdom teeth out. That and swishing with salt water. If it doesn't go down, go back and have them drain it for you!

Paige said...

oh lord. I am sorry. that sounds hideous.

I am totally with you. I am enjoying posting every day (to a point), but I have no time to read anyone else.

also, I hate to be complainy, but your blog still takes forever to load for me and sometimes crashes my computer. huh? sometimes I get tired of waiting and have to move on. I miss out on some of your stuff, because your content doesn't show up on my bloglines, only your titles.

sandy shoes said...

First... damn. I'm sorry about the tooth. That sucks, and I hope the pain lets up soon.

And: I am probably the only person in the blogiverse not to know this, but what is the point of NaBloPoMo? Post every day? That's like, work, or something.

I'm sorry to say I too don't read your blog so often lately b/c of the loading/crashing problem. Not to whine, just figured I might not be the only one and you probably want to know it isn't you!

Nicole P said...

My dear Cletus, I am soon to be Cletus. I have the same kind of tooth in mouth. Since I had to do over $1500 in gum work and have another tooth root canaled and crowned this year, I decided the very last tooth in my mouth could wait. Well, wait it has - and now it's falling apart. It's not THAT painful - but I know it will be and I am so NOT looking forward to the pulling. Oi. I knew the implant would be hyper expensive... I don't think I'll be going that route either. Oi.