Saturday, November 10, 2007

Well, There Goes NaBlo

Fucking ComCast, man. For some reason, our internet was restricted because we moved. I don't understand. I don't really care. But I'm pissed off that it blew my chances at NaBloPoMo.



Zazzy said...

Just keep posting. Last year, they had some prizes for people who missed a day for things just like this. Besides, you are still working toward your personal challenge of posting daily!

Angewl said...

I'm sorry.

I lost track of time, with all the sick kiddies. I went to blog and it was already 12:30 am. :(

Lara said...

i heart you no matter what. and i'm enjoying the daily dose of bedhead, so keep it up for our sakes!

Naomi said...

Comcast causes a lot of problems. Did you ever see the article in the Washington Post, "Taking a Whack Against Comcast?" Look here:

I think you'll enjoy it!

Naomi said...

Damn, you can't see the link. Search on for the article. You can search by "Taking a Whack at Comcast." It was Oct. 18.

Major Bedhead said...

Heh. Good article, Naomi. Thanks for the link. I make TCBIM deal with those morons. I get too pissed off and start swearing at them whenever I have to deal with them.

SUEB0B said...

I have heard Comcast sucks. I am glad I don't have to suffer thru it.

Naomi said...

Ha, I grit my teeth when talking to Comcast, and it's my husband who swears up and down the street. A little swearing never hurt a comcast employee..