Yesterday I helped chaperone my dauhter's 5th grade class on a trip to
Plimouth Plantation. I spent most of the day with Eddie Izzard running around in my head. "Plymouth? Is this Plymouth? Right, lads, back on the boat, we've gone in a big circle." The alternative was to sit down in a puddle and cry. Because yesterday? Yesterday
It was 40 degrees F with 20mph winds and? It was raining. Sideways. Fanfuckingtastic. Of course, everything was outside. And the Pilgrims? They didn't have paved roads. Mud. Muck. Wet thru and thru, jeans, hoodie, squelching sneakers and socks, hell, even my underwear was wet. There were houses to go into, but again, Pilgrims? Not so much with the central heating. Major suckage. It was a real Chamber of Commerce day.
My face looks like someone's been at it with a Brillo pad. My neck aches and my nose is all stuffed up because I probably got germs from one of those maggoty little fifth-graders. Ugh.
And, joy of joys, I have to go on ANOTHER field trip in June. To do the Freedom Trail, in Boston. *whimper*
Tea and sympathy, people. Tea and sympathy.
I'm debating doing a "Why I don't believe in God" post, but I'm a little afraid of the reactions I might get. As if it wasn't painfully obvious, given my prediclection for swearing like a drunken sailor, I'm not a religious person. I don't care if other people are, I just don't want it shoved down my throat. Or even talked about that much. Thus, my hesitation about posting what I've been working on.
TCBIM is going to Ohio next week, for work. I'm trying not to freak out. Ever since the Thing With The Hoochie, I'm mistrusful. I haven't, of course, brought this up with him because a.) I'm an idiot and b.) I'm a chicken. He's going to sigh and roll his eyes and that just pisses me off. I would really like to shake him, hard, sometimes. Better yet, I'd like it if he could get inside my head and really understand why I feel the way I feel. Why can't we do that? It would make life a hell of a lot easier sometimes.
How do you do those cool strike out things? I see it a lot, people type something really snarky and sarcastic and then strike thru it and type something more PC. This appeals to my snarky, bitchy side immensely.
I'm huge. I look at least 7.5 months pregnant and I'm just 6. A month ago, I was measuring at 28 weeks and as of Tuesday, I'm only 26. I lie in bed on my back and stare in amazement at my stomach. What is this? Is it just my body doing its thing early? It's weird and a little disturbing and it's a good thing I don't gain weight when I get pregnant (I have enough weight to nourish quadruplets), otherwise I'd have outgrown my maternity clothes.
And finally, for Bethany and Nicole and whoever else was waiting: Olivia did a thigh site on Monday! Yay!! It bugged her, mainly because she wears her jeans so snug (pre-teens - holy fashionista, Batman!), but she did it. I'm very proud of her.