Tuesday, January 27, 2009

...There Are Simply Too Many Notes....

Today is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's birthday and the local classical radio station was doing an all Mozart day. I love classical music, although I'm not very well-versed in it, tending to be one of those people that says "What's this piece called?" and then humming, badly. But I do love me some Mozart.

First they played this:

Then some of this:

And this:

So I was grooving along in the front seat, humming and whistling and just generally geeking out enjoying myself when, during a break in the music, Boo's voice pipes up from the back and says "Mama? I don't like violins. I wanna hear Soul Butter."

Obviously I'm failing at their musical education. My kids are fixated on one band and one band only.


Rich said...

your kids are the best.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I jokingly make reference to the "There are simply too many notes" line all the time. Nobody ever gets what we're talking about. In fact, you're the only other person I've ever heard (read?) even mention it. Yay you!

Unknown said...

I can't blame her. Teehee!

Josie said...

At least your kids are listening to decent music.
The Jonas Bros ar killing off my brain cells slowly over here.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my kids! Little H is stuck on Choo Choo Soul right now (yes, I own the album--what??), and Big H is all about Hannah Montana. Thankfull, she usually listens to it on the cheap MP3 player she got for Christmas, so I don't have to. :)

Mike said...

At least you recongnized the need to broaden their horizon in music. Some parents have no appreciation of the classics and kids really do miss out.

Love me that Mozart also...

MsPicketToYou said...

You know this song Mercy? It's good song, but not AFTER TEN THOUSANDS PLAYS.

SUEB0B said...

NOT THAT RECORD! NOT THAT RECORD! Eine Kleine Nachtmusik was my earworm for 6 months STRAIGHT one time. It was horrrrrrible. But I still love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh-oh! Sorry for the dilemma. My husband and I loved both the classics and rock, so we introduced our children to both of them. In consultation with ourselves, rather young Auntie Johanna and approaching her teens, Elizasmom, we listened to lots of Dave Brubeck for dinner, Haydn's Children's Symphony or, whenever we asked Elizasmom to take her pick, we would end up with Mozart's Symphony, Koechelverzeichnis 550, which goes like this: Ta-ta-tatata-tata-tatata-tata-tatata-tatatata! I still love it after all those years! Anyway, introduce your children to as much art of any kind as you can!

Araby62 (a.k.a. Kathy) said...

Sorry, late to reply...I blame (thank) my hardass band director in high school for pounding a love of the classical into my teenage brain. Here's my personal Mozart favorite:


Play. Relax. Repeat :)