But on my way to the electric company, I noticed that the fire hydrant across the street had been popped open.
I'm assuming the city did it, since there was an orange cone on top of it, but whatever. The girls and I decided to take advantage of this on what has been a miserably hot and humid day.
We spent a good hour splashing around in the street, having a blast, getting totally soaked and laughing like hyenas. I've told them that if the hydrant is still open after naps, we'll go out and do it again.
It turned what started out as a crappy day into one full of fun.
Forgot to embed this....
Awwwww how sweet. I'm glad your lemon kind of day ended up being filled with lemonade!
The girls are truly gorgeous and have a great mom!
Oh how I miss the days when the pump was open and we would splash all day. I lived right on the same block as the fire department so we got to play with an open pump often. We even had a top with holes in it so it would sprinkle out into the street. Glad the day turned out better.
So sweet!
This reminds me of growing up in New York and making those open hydrants into water cannons with Hawaiian Punch cans (remove top and bottom with can opener, then lie to your mother about what you intended to do with the cans when she asked why you needed it in such a state).
How fun! They look like they are loving every moment of it! Sorry the day started crappy... I hope the happy kids and fact that you can keep the lights gave you a little extra energy for the day. Hopefully tomorrow will bring something exciting, like maybe finding $200 floating in the water of an open hydrant!
look at their faces!
That right there is bliss.
Adorable hydrant pics, and HEY, we took a cab home together!!!
What gorgeous girls you have!! What I wouldn't give to run through a fire hydrant!!
That looks like fun and your girls are so cute. Must be a while since you've posted pics of them too, because my fist reaction was" Gosh they've GROWN!!!!
Why, whose girls are those? Neighbors? B and B are about 1 and 2, right? Or,was I off in a fog somwhere and lost track of time...ahem......
It was you, sis, who got me hooked on Donna Karen Gold. I made the small bottle last a year and went to Macy's to get another. Guess what - the clerk said they don't make it anymore. Run into a wall and get bonked on the head. But, I did enjoy it.
Nope, not me, MN. I'm a Coco by Chanel girl.
What a wonderful day!
When did C turn into a GIRL? What?
And oh Miss I is incredibly beautiful!!
Looks like a blast!! Glad it turned a lousy day into a good day!
Fun! The pictures are adorable!
that has instantly cooled my sweaty self down.
Great pic's:) lol I don't think I've seen a fire hydrant in SO Cal...WTH?
I don't think I've ever seen an open hydrant before either! What great memories for the girls too.
Do you ever think Will Smith looks at those old videos and wonders what he was thinking?!
how cute. We used to do that when I was a kid. My neighbors dad had a huge wrench that we could open it with. We used to have so much fun playing in the water in the street. (And it was a one way street, which made it easier)
What a great day! Your girls are lucky to have a mom who lives in the moment!
I'm glad you had the extra $2.
I'm sorry that's all you had.
Those girls look like they were having the time of their lives. Luc-ky!
Major suckage on the money stuff. I hate that so many of us have to deal with crap like that.
I was grinning from ear to ear looking at the pictures! Very fun!
Sorry to butt in off topic, but I saw on twitter (which I don't use, so...) that you are trying to decide between Rocky Neck & Hammonasset Beach...
Hammonasset is very nice - if you go to the last parking lot, there is a rock pier you can walk out on and watch people fishing and trying to catch crabs and there is a small museum there, though I haven't been in.
Playing in an open hydrant is one of those things that really is as much fun as it looks. Glad your day turned around.
They could'nt be any cuter if they tried! I'm glad it was a bright/wet spot in your day!
s/b shouldn't. Can't let a typo go.
More hugs!!
Cutest pictures ever! Probably just as much fun watching them play as it was for them to play in the water. :)
Wanted to let you know I sent you an email...worried it might go right to spam. :)
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