- I am going to BlogHer. I bought the plane ticket and the event pass, so it's official. Of course, I might not even have a blog by then if I can't kick myself in the ass and actually write, but I'm still going. I'll be the one clutching a beer and rocking and muttering to myself in the corner.
- It's snowing. Again. I am so fucking sick of this weather. And yeah, I know, I chose to live in New England and it's better than having wildfires and tornadoes and hurricanes and huge-ass bugs, but still. Enough already.
- My skin looks like the Sahara dessert right now. My fingers are cracking and bleeding without any provocation and my shins resemble an alligator.
- I'm re-reading Twilight for book group this Friday. We're having a vampire-themed food thing - anyone have any suggestions for what to bring? The hostess (Hi, AM) is already doing bloody Marys.
- I finally have health insurance again and my lovely new GP gave me a five week supply of Cymbalta. Yippee for the happy pills.
- On the downside, the new insurance doesn't cover O's current endo at Joslin and she's not happy about it. I can try to appeal, but there are two other endo groups they do cover, so I'm not hopeful.
- We all have The Crud over here - sneezing and coughing and generally being miserable. We seem to be passing it back and forth and it sucks and I'm sick of it.
- The little old lady across the street from me has more energy than I think I've ever had in my life. She's already out there shoveling. Of course, it looks like she cuts her yard with a ruler and nail scissors, so I think she may be a little anal. Still, she's nice and she doesn't mind my barking dog, so it's all good.
Oh, except for this: This little fellow makes me smile every time I watch him.

I think it may have something to do with the crush I had on Fred Savage back in the day....
Yay for BlogHer! I'm so happy that you're going AND you have happy pills!! :)
Sorry about the snow and the crud. It's been here too.
Glad that you posted again! I was wondering how you've been doing.
i can't wait to meet you at blogher! it'll be so fun to finally hang out with you - just promise you'll give a big hug and not pretend you don't know the crazy tall weirdo with the "lara david" name badge. :-P
But wait! Cheap women, cheap beer: Blogher!
A sunny spot on the horizon...
YEAH for going on your trip!
Ideas for the vampire theme ...
What about a white chocolate fondue with red food coloring in the chocolate; it'll be like your dipping the fruit, etc in blood ... muahawha!
Oh ... BTW- I LOVE Oswald too!
You're going? Great! Looking forward to meeting you. We're throwing a big party Thursday night (The People's Prty, free drinks, swag etc). Hope to see you there. Oh and I love Oswald. I love the whole show, actually. More than my kids even. Feel better!
Yeah - you're coming to BlogHer! Can't wait to meet you.
And we have Oswald on at the moment here - which is why I get two seconds to read a few blogs!!
I have a feeling that after BlogHer your going to have a ton of things to write about. Not that your adventures in the New England snow aren't fascinating...
I have an award for you. Pick it up on the GEM blog!
I love Oswald, too! I like that Henry the penguin is voiced by Squiggy from Laverne & Shirley, and that the cityscape is so surreal. My 3yo gets all excited about the funny-shaped houses. And it's just so good-natured & sweet. Love it!
Have fun at BlogHer--you deserve it!
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