Friday, August 24, 2007

You may say I'm a dreamer....


Get me, I'm in elite company - only 2% of the population falls in this category. For whatever that's worth....


Bea said...


(I think we NFs make up a much higher proportion of the blogosphere than in the general population. Between us and the NTs, we've got it covered.)

Zazzy said...

I'm an INFP too. Do we get a secret handshake?

Beck said...

I'm an ENFP. Just as sensitive but LOUD.

Paige said...

It's funny...I've taken this test about 6 times and have always been an INFP. Today? INFJ. I wonder what's different about today.

I still feel like an INFP.

Lara said...

i'm INFP too. and i agree with bubandpie's assessment about bloggers being a bit skewed as a population. ;)

Anonymous said...

INTJ here. Although barely an I.

Anonymous said...

Me too! Me too! We're unusual, but not in the writing / blogging world... I guess it appeals to us :)

Unknown said...

I too am an INFP. My dad, who's a career counselor, has done A TON with the MBTI stuff. Interestingly, INFP is also described as "I Never Find Perfection." Too creepy - that's really true for me.

Anonymous said...

I, too am an INFP. I wonder if our diabetes helps inform our personalities, or if those of us who write/blog are more INFP'ers. I KNEW there was a reason I love reading your blog.

Fellow INFPers with diabetes unite! :)

Hard to believe we're only 2 percent of the population!