WI Mommy awarded me a Rockin' Blogger Chick award.

This is a pay it forward award, so if you're so inclined, feel free to pass it along to anyone you think rocks.
I'm passing it along to:
1. Kim, over at All Consuming, because she is amazing. She had a baby a week ago - her fourth boy, by the way - and she's posting and parenting and cooking meals and fucking VACUUMING. already. Hell. Bug is 11 months old and I'm STILL not doing that shit.
2. Andrea at Little Bald Doctors because...well, just because. She just rocks. Her posts often make me laugh and cry in rapid succession.
3. Kerri at Six Until Me. She is what I hope my daughter becomes when she's an adult. Kerri has type 1 diabetes but doesn't let it define her life. She's a spitfire with a smile as wide as Texas. She's wickedly funny and she loves Eddie Izzard, quite possibly as much as I do.
Allison, over at Lemonade Life, gave me a Thinking Blogger Award. If you aren't familiar with her blog and you have or know someone who has diabetes, go check her out. She's a font of information and support.
I'm glad you liked that post, Allison, although if you'd seen Boo the last couple of days, you might be rethinking your desire for motherhood. I have a HUGE post brewing about that but at the moment, it mostly consists of me saying "What the fu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-huck?" and beating my head against the nearest wall. Oy. So now I have to pay this one forward, too. Difficult, again, because there are so many great bloggers out there and so many posts that leave me speechless with their beauty or clarity or power.
1. Zaz at Zazen In The Moonlight. She's struggled with both physical and mental problems but has always been honest about them on her blog. She's not afraid to say when she's faltering or frightened. She's also talented; her blog templates change with the seasons and they're always gorgeous. I always look forward to her posts.
2. Lara at Life: The Ongoing Education. I know she's received this award at least once already, but I'm giving it to her again. Another painfully honest blogger, sharing her highest of highs and lowest of lows with grace and style and a killer pair of gams. Her posts about her mother are beautiful.
3. KittenPie over at Life of Pie. I just love her blog. It's like being invited to peek thru her windows and listen to bits and pieces of her life.
Your Turn:
This is a tagged-only meme. You must be tagged by someone in order to participate.
If any of the above bloggers choose to participate, they should:
1. Write a post with links to blogs that make them think.
2. Email them to let them know they have been selected.
3. Link to my post so your readers can find the origin of your award.
4. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (there is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).
This award was began by ilker yoldas at The Thinking Blog.
you are too sweet, lady. thanks so much for your kind words (especially about my gams - woo!). my mom gave a little giggle when i read the part about my posts on her. i will definitely pass it forward. :)
Too many blogs, so much other stuff to do that really should be done. My google reader is choking but I'll get around to all these lovelies some day.
Congrats to all of you though.
I really am very touched, Julia. I'm still amazed that anyone actually reads my blog! :-)
Congrats on your awards and thanks for directing me to new blogs...can't wait for some good reads.
Awww shucks! Thanks lovey - I've fixed my profile so my email is there now.
Thank you so much, Julia. What you wrote means the world to me. I'll be proudly posting my award and passing on the love once I finish reviving my blog. :)
And on an Eddie note, Twix please.
Dude, thank you! I happen to think you rock, too!
Is cod liver oil high in iron? It WOULD serve her right.
Ah! Thank you! I know I have a little tiny readership, but you are all so nice. But goodness, the pressure... I think all my bloggers may have had this one, but I will check around because I don't even bother reading anyone who doesn't engage me somehow, so they sure deserve it, the whole lot of them.
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