Thursday, January 14, 2010

Say Hello, Dammit

I've no idea who started this, but I've seen it all over teh internets today, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Sometimes, yes, I am a lemming.

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elizasmom said...

Ah, see, you are a more confident lemming than I am. Also, possibly, a less embarrassed lemming. Because every time *I* do one of these, no one delurks, thus confirming that it's really pretty much mostly my mom who's responsible for all those pageviews. I mean, it's nice my mom likes my blog and all, but unless she is personally going to purchase 3 million copies of my future Pulitzer-winning book, my Queen of All Media efforts are NOT proceeding according to plan.

LJ said...


Araby62 (a.k.a. Kathy) said...

Hi :-)

Robyn said...


Christine said...

I'm still reading!

Allison Blass said...

Hiya. You know me. But I thought I'd say howdy anyway. :)

meanderings said...

Hi Julia!

Unknown said...

Hello, Dammit!

Melissa said...

I post once in a while...HI!

Jess said...

Goodnight, Gracie!

(wait...wrong blog, right??)


Gabirella said...

Hello Dammit!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Okay, I'll admit it...I'm a lurker.

Leighann of D-Mom Blog

Twenty Four At Heart said...


Anonymous said...

so, I am not as disturbed at the idea of the man exposing his privates, but his toes (or should I say toe?) REALLY freak me out...

Anonymous said...

I comment once in a while, and I twitter to you sometimes too. Hi!
