This is my mug. I love my mug. I use it every day. It feels so good in my hand. I can slip my fingers thru the handle, my forfinger resting just perfectly in the indentation at the top. It's ideal for coffee, holding just enough that I can finish it before it goes cold. It's also wonderful for tomato soup and Ritz crackers, holding just the right amount, keeping it toasty warm all the way to the end. I love the colour. I love the vaguely Oriental feel of it. I. Love. My. Mug.
I got it at a craft fair. I don't like craft fairs. I don't GO to craft fairs. I'm not into country decor and I find craft fairs to be rife with such dreck. Graft fairs generally make me get the screaming heebie jeebies, so this is a big deal. I think it's safe to say that I'm not a craft fair kinda girl.
But this craft fair is different. First of all, it's outside, in Woodstock, CT, in the fall. There are horse chestnuts on the ground, the leaves are only gorgeous and there's a smell of apples and wood fires and pumpkins in the air. It's fanfuckingtastic. Second of all, it's at Roseland Cottage. I love Roseland Cottage. It's beautiful.
Anyway. Back to the fair.
In addition to some amazing kettle corn, this fair boasts a goodly showing of potters. I love pottery. I don't have too many pieces, but my other favourite piece was also bought at this fair.
Today, TCBIM noticed that my beloved mug is cracked. I very nearly started crying. So my plea to you, dear internets, is this: Does anyone recognize this mug? Does anyone recognize the signature of the potter? I believe he's in CT, but it could also be NH or VT.

I've been trying the Google all day, to no avail. I'm so upset about this that it's bordering on ridiculous.
I've been trying the Google all day, to no avail. I'm so upset about this that it's bordering on ridiculous.
I don't know the mug or the signature, but maybe connect with the people who run the fair every year? They might recognize the style/description. Good luck!
Maybe it's a good thing. Seems caffeine got the best of you. :)
I would agree with lyrehca...see if you can find the folks that run with the fair..they're a close (maybe TOO close) group, and will probably easily direct you to the potter of your fav mug.
man, i so wish i could help, but i got nothing. boo to cracked mugs. :(
Oh no, Julia! Lyrehca has the right idea, I think. If you need me to go pick something up for you, I'm on it. :D
Lyrehca does have it right. I believe the artist have to register their booths and what kind of art they will be selling. If you can find the person in charge they might help you. We have a big craft fair that is advertised on the internet and you can look up the artists that attend. Does this fair have a website? If you don't have any luck, email me the name on the bottom of the mug. Its kinda hard to make out here. Long ago we used to be in the craft stall business selling stuff and still have contacts. I can give it my best shot and look for you.
Krickett -
Is it Mark Hutton?
Yes, contact the fair.
I am sorry it's cracked. Any way to repair it? I am sure there is...
I hope you find a new one!
I wish I could help!
It's not a Mark Hutton, I checked him already.
I'll call the fair people. They don't list the vendors on their site, which is annoying.
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